Our biggest concerns were with the lack of progress we were making in training our small dog on simple commands like “sit”, and trying to train our large dog to be less impulsive. David had a lot of great techniques for both of our dogs, who couldn’t be more unalike in temperament. He had great techniques for working to build our chihuahua’s confidence and reinforce the “sit” command without forcing her to comply. He also had helpful techniques, tips, and games we can play with our large dog to provide mental and physical stimulation, as well as practicing sustained attention and focus to following our commands.
The most beneficial part of the training for Zoe was building trust and confidence with her, and her learning to sit. The most beneficial part of the training for Lola was learning how to reinforce the commands she already knows by sustaining her attention and increasing the amount of time she complies with a command, this was achieved using treats and the leash in combination. We also learned easy techniques and games for mentally and physically providing her stimulation that can reinforce her training.
When I recommend David to friends, I will tell them how useful the training was in training both us and our dogs. We learned great techniques and strategies that we can continue to use with our dogs to fine-tune their skills!