Corey & Mae

Westchester dog training testimonial

In July of 2016 our small family was delighted to include Mae West, an 8 week old bright eyed Pitbull puppy.  Mae was cute and sweet as EVER, but boy was she feisty at times.  As most puppies do, she insisted on testing her limits often and using us as her teething toy.  So naturally I wanted to nip those behaviors as soon as possible.  At that time I started to research trainers but especially trainers that understood the ins and outs of large breed dogs, and eventually I came across David.  Thank goodness!

David took the time to talk to me more than anyone else ever has!  Before even signing up for the obedience class and private at-home sessions he spent almost an hour on the phone with me.  His level of sincere attention really impressed me.  David came across extremely knowledgeable and had tons of experience with all breeds but most importantly for me Pitbull puppies.

After our first training sessions with David I realized that we were the ones that needed the training and not Mae. LOL.  He taught us how to train her by keeping us consistent.  For instance, when a command is met then you meet it with positive reinforcement or rewards.  That logic really worked for us and most importantly Mae.  She loved learning and being rewarded for it!

I highly recommend David! Ever since working with him, I rave about him all the time to anyone that has a puppy or a dog with an issue… I connected with him but most importantly my dog connected with him.  I watched it first-hand from the moment he met Mae.  So grateful I found him!
Corey GrayhorsePlaya Del Rey, CA

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