Tag Archives: Canine Good Citizen Training

train your dog to tolerate nail trimming Los Angeles dog trainer

Training Your Dog To Tolerate Nail Trimming

As a Los Angeles dog trainer, I get a lot of dogs that will not tolerate their groomer, vet or owners trying to trim their nails. Most dogs will snatch their paws away, scream or even trying to bite you. It’s universally uncomfortable for them in my experience. Knowing this, I like to make sure all […]

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canine good citizen loose leash walking

Canine Good Citizen Training | Los Angeles

Lately we’ve been getting a lot of request for Canine Good Citizen training, so it seems right to discuss the program and why we think it’s so important. Here at iWorkDogs, our aim is to educate people as much as it is to train dogs. We believe there are standards for well behaved dogs, and requirements for […]

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Training Here or There!

We can come to you for your training needs. We provide our services to customers throughout the LA area, including Playa Vista, Marina Del Rey, Play Del Rey, Echo Park, Silver Lake, Downtown LA, Venice, El Segundo and Culver City.

Contact us today to schedule a comprehensive evaluation and consultation with our Los Angeles dog training experts.